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Marky’s farmed Sterlet Caviar is often used as a substitute for the more unique but similar Sevruga Caviar, although its eggs are smaller than those of Sevruga. Marky’s Sterlet Caviar is farmed by our subsidiary, Sturgeon AquaFarms, which also harvests the more notorious Beluga Caviar. emphasizes it. Sterlet Caviar is considered to be one of the real black sturgeon caviars that can be purchased at a reasonable price. Sterlet Caviar has very small, delicate beads, a dark grey color, and a flavor that is earthy with slight nuttiness and light saltiness derived from the malossol way of preparation.
Farmed Sterlet caviar from Marky's has rich taste and dark color, the flavor is earthy with light nuttiness and the malossol way of preparation only emphasizes it. Sterlet caviar is the great example of real black sturgeon caviar at a reasonable price.
Product Characteristics:
  • Farmed-raised
  • Germany & Sturgeon AquaFarms, Florida, USA
  • Very small, delicate beads
  • Light grey to dark grey color pearls, hints of silver
  • Smooth, velvety texture
  • Mild sweet and nutty flavor
  • Lingering buttery finish
  • Excellent served alone, just on a mother of pearl spoon
  • Available in 2014 -2015 from SAF

Suggested use: Sterlet is reminiscent of Sevruga caviar in color and taste however the size of the eggs is much smaller which explains its smooth, more velvety texture and lingering buttery finish. Sterlet caviar is rarely available in the United States and therefore will definitely add exclusivity and variability to the menu of any high end restaurant. Sterlet can also be suggested as a substitute for Sevruga caviar.
Note: Sterlet caviar is the most common substitute for prized Caspian Sevruga. So beware when you find advertisements for golden Sevruga or Farmed Sevruga (species indicated as Acipenser Ruthenus). On the contrary, Sevruga will never produce golden colored eggs, so advertised golden sevruga is more likely to be Sterlet. Also always pay attention to the size of the egg – Sterlet will not be bigger than 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter while sevruga is capable of producing eggs that will range between 1.2-2 mm. The texture of Sterlet caviar is reminiscent of butter, therefore it will never pop in your mouth and you will not be able to feel the separation of the egg grains.
The Sturgeon family is comparatively vast and most of its members are the suppliers of the true black caviar to the world market. One of them is Sterlet (Acipenser Ruthenus), whose natural area of living are the rivers running into the Black sea, the Azov sea, the Caspian sea, and the Aegean sea, as also the rivers of Siberia as far to the East as Yenisey. Due to the growing industrial pollution of the waters, dams, and, of course, overfishing and poaching for its caviar, flesh, and isinglass, the natural population of Sterlet has critically declined and this species is considered to be threatened and currently is on a brink of extinction. That's why nearly all the Sterlet caviar in the international gourmet food market is harvested and produced on the aquafarms scattered all over the world. Despite certain difficulties in breeding Sterlet, one of the advantages of the aquafarm production is the possibility to control the diet of the fish, because everyday food ration of the fish in the wild nature significantly influences the taste of the caviar Sterlet and its flesh. In such a manner we have the possibility to receive the product with consistent high quality and predictable flavor. Feeding on the crustaceans, insect larvae, and worms in the wild nature, Sterlet receives similar diet in the artificial ponds to keep its famously rich and original flavor.
Sterlet Sturgeon is one of the smallest sturgeons in the world. The adult specimens reach the length of 100-120cm and the weight of less than 16kg, which is way smaller that the giant sturgeons like Beluga, Kaluga or even Osetra. The small size of Sterlet predetermines its relatively short life but it is also a reason for a faster maturation period that makes is more convenient and efficient in farming. In general, males maturate after 3 to 12 years and females after 4 to 7 years of life. The small size of the fish also means the small size of its eggs. The Sterlet caviar beads are nearly the smallest in the american sturgeon caviar family but despite the size they are among the most flavorful in the sturgeon family along with Sevruga caviar. Frankly speaking, these two caviars are quite often confused because of their similarity in size and appearance but Sterlet caviar has a more noble look with its nearly black to gray pearlescent look.
Unfortunately, Sterlet caviar cannot boast a wide variety of different kinds and sorts but it is one of the kinds itself. The small eggs are colored dark gray to nearly black with deep-blue hues and the pearlescent envelope conceals juicy and creamy texture of the contents with pronounced rich and bright nutty flavor.
In terms of price-to-quality rate, Sterlet caviar price is really a bargain! But the real bargain is our Sterlet caviar set consisting of our fresh Marky's Sterlet Caviar in a 2 oz. jar and complemented by a 36 pcs. pack of Russian Original Handmade Blini and a 7-8 oz. pack of Crème Fraîche to make a great cocktail party with your friends or a nice family dinner.
Sterlet (Acipenser Ruthenus) – is the smallest sturegon of the Caspian Sea basin. Sterlet is the most common and abundant sturgeon in Western Europe. It’s natural habitats are fresh water rivers that flow in to the Caspian and Black Seas. Sterlet is listed as “vulnerable” on the IUSN Red List or threatened species and protected by CITES. Population trend – decreasing. Sterlet is very valuable for its meat, therefore have been overfished for decades, putting those species at the risk of extinction. Sterlet rarely reach 3 ft. in length and 35lb in weight. Femails reach sexual maturity at the age of 4-12 years and males at the age of 3-7 years. Sterlet can live up to 22 years old. Females usually carry 15,000-45,000 eggs. Natural diet of Sterlet consists of insects, larvae and small benthic organisms.